Saturday, September 7, 2024

What Kind Of Rock Is Gold Found In

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Gold Prospecting Clubs In Montana

What does gold look like in rocks_ Gold bearing rock identification.

Montana has a rich history when it comes to gold, being nicknamed the Treasure State due to its abundance and how often gold was struck in random locations. Thus, it is only natural that plenty of gold prospecting clubs in Montana were founded, where members search throughout old and new sites for the mineral.

The western parts of the state are often the richest in gold in old mines and creeks.

Some popular gold prospecting clubs that you can join in Montana include the Montana Blackfoot River Gold Prospecting Club, the Northwest Montana Gold Prospectors, G.P.A.A Headwaters Chapter, Yellowstone Prospectors, or Central Montana Prospectors, among others.

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Finding Gold In Quartz In Nature

  • 1Look in places where gold and quartz occur naturally. Gold usually originates upstream from where it is panned or has been panned in the past. These regions include areas where volcanic hydrothermal activity has happened in the past, near old gold mines. Quartz veins are often formed in areas where the bedrock is fractured by tectonic and volcanic activity.XResearch source
  • Gold has been historically mined in certain areas of the U.S. west coast and Rocky Mountains, Australia, South America, and central Europe.
  • 2Check the natural cracks and lines of the quartz rock. Gold often occurs along the natural linear structures of quartz rock, or its natural cracks and lines. It is easiest to spot in white quartz, though quartz can come in a range of colors including yellow, pink, purple, grey, or black.
  • If you find gold in quartz in nature, use a geology hammer and sledge to break open the quartz and potential gold bearing rocks.XResearch source
  • Be sure you have permission from the land owner to remove rocks from the property before doing this. Don’t trespass on land without written permission by the owner.
  • 3Use a metal detector if you have one. Larger gold pieces will give off a strong signal on a metal detector. However, getting a positive metal detector signal could indicate other metals being present besides gold. However, when there is metal found in quartz, gold is often among those that are found.XResearch source
  • Where Is Gold Found On Earth

    Gold has long been treasured all over the world, given equal value by ancient civilizations on opposite sides of the planet. Despite the metal being ingrained in our culture, particularly our view of wealth, most people have no idea where it comes from. Approximately2500 tons of gold is mined globally every year, some of which from gold mines large enough to be seen from space. However, we know our supply is steadily running out, leading some to ask is there a lack of physical gold? To understand the answer to this question, you need to understand how the gold supply chain works, and how much is still left underground.

    In this article, well examine exactly how gold came to be on our planet, and where you can find naturally occurring precious metals. Next, youll learn about the countries and locations which produce the most gold each year, and where the largest goldfields ever discovered are found. From remote volcanic islands to locations high in the mountains, this precious metal has been prospected in almost every corner of the world. Read on to discover all you need to know about where gold has historically come from, and where we might mine it from in the future.

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    Small Prospectors And Total Gold Production

    Successful gold mining under present conditions is a large-scale operation, utilizing costly and sophisticated machinery capable of handling many tons of low-grade ore each day. The grizzled prospector with a burro is no longer a significant participant in the search for mineral deposits, and the small producer accounts for only a minor share of the total production of metals including gold.

    Gold core at the lab: The core recovered from the Bend massive sulfide deposit was 3″ in diameter and was recovered in 10-foot sections. The sections were extracted from the drill stem into plastic bags and taken to a laboratory for careful examination, sampling and analysis. USGS image.

    What Is Rock Cycle Explain With Diagram

    Minerals Associated with Natural Gold

    The process of transformation of rocks from one form to the other in a cyclic manner is known as the rock cycle . It includes the following processes: Hot lava cools down to form igneous rocks . When igneous and sedimentary rocks are subjected to great heat and pressure, they change into metamorphic rocks .

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    How Does Gold Look Like In Rocks

    One of the most valuable items on earth today is gold. Wars have been fought for it lives have also been lost for the cause. The change in time and its seeming scarceness in nature have seen its stock rise in the market. Gold is an item that often feels heavy when you hold it on your palms. But one thing about gold is that its weight is not the only factor used to determine its authenticity. There have been times when people scampered for what eventually turned out to be fools gold all in a big to get gold. But how does gold look like in rocks? As an amateur, how can one identify genuine gold? Nearly everyone that has a thing for gold knows how it looks like. But raw gold is very different from processed gold which has been refined and melted.

    How does gold look like in rocks?

    Gold in rock can be difficult to differentiate from chalcopyrite, pyrite and sulfide minerals. There are several key indices. The first is that gold in rock usually has a corner, flat face or a straight edge. It is also malleable if you drag your fingers across whatever it is that you feel is gold, and it appears to give you a gentle tug on your fingers, then it must be gold. You should also get it wet and if it has a reflectance above ten times the sulfide minerals then it is probably gold.

    Study Persistence And Financial Backing

    Some degree of success in finding gold still remains for those choosing favorable areas after a careful study of mining records and the geology of the mining districts. Serious prospecting should not be attempted by anyone without sufficient capital to support a long and possibly discouraging campaign of preliminary work. The prospective gold seeker must have ample funds to travel to and from the region he selects to prospect and to support the venture. He must be prepared to undergo physical hardships, possess a car capable of traveling the roughest and steepest roads, and not be discouraged by repeated disappointments. Even if a discovery of value is not found, the venture will have been interesting and challenging.

    Fortitude Mine in Nevada produced about 2 million ounces of gold between 1984 and 1993. USGS image.

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    Lode Gold Areas Have Been Thoroughly Prospected

    Prospecting for lode deposits of gold is not the relatively simple task it once was because most outcrops or exposures of mineralized rock have been examined and sampled. Today’s prospector must examine not only these exposures, but also broken rock on mine dumps and exposures of mineralized rock in accessible mine workings.

    Conducting Home Gold Tests

  • 1Compare weights between pieces of quartz. Real gold is very heavy. If you have a piece of quartz with pieces of what you think is gold inside it, try weighing it and compare the weight with a similarly sized piece of quartz. If the quartz with gold pieces in it weighs several grams more than a similarly sized piece of quartz, it’s possible that your quartz contains real gold.XResearch source
  • Real gold weighs about 1.5 times more than fool’s gold, or iron pyrite.
  • Fool’s gold and other minerals that look like gold will not produce a weight difference between the pieces of quartz. In fact, the piece with gold-colored particles inside may even be lighter than your other piece of quartz if the gold is not real.
  • 2Do a magnet test. Iron pyrite, most commonly referred to as fool’s gold, is magnetic, whereas real gold is not. Hold a strong magnet up to the gold-colored material in your piece of quartz. If your rock sticks to the magnet, it is iron pyrite and not real gold.XResearch source
  • Refrigerator magnets may not be strong enough for the gold test. Purchase a stronger magnet, or earth magnet, at a home improvement store.
  • 3Try scratching a piece of glass with the gold. Real gold will not scratch a piece of glass, but other minerals that look like gold often do. If your piece of quartz has a corner or edge that looks like gold on it, try scratching this against a piece of glass. If it leaves a scratch, it is not real gold.XResearch source
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    What Is Fool’s Gold

    “Fool’s gold” is a common nickname for pyrite. Pyrite received that nickname because it is worth virtually nothing, but has an appearance that “fools” people into believing that it is gold. With a little practice, there are many easy tests that anyone can use to quickly tell the difference between pyrite and gold.

    The nickname “fool’s gold” has long been used by gold buyers and prospectors, who were amused by excited people who thought they had found gold. These people did not know how to tell the difference between pyrite and gold, and their ignorance caused them to look foolish.

    Crystalline Gold: A specimen of native gold from Pontes e Lacerda, Mato Grosso, Brazil, approximately 3.5 centimeters tall. This specimen is visually appealing and displays the crystalline habit of gold. The value of this specimen to collectors of crystalline gold would be many times the value of its contained gold. Destructive tests should not be done on specimens of gold that display a crystalline habit or specimens of no trivial size that have an attractive appearance. This photo was taken by Carlin Green of the United States Geological Survey.

    Gold Geology And Ground Color Changes

    Color changes in the soil are another indicator of a contact point. Depending on how much bedrock is exposed in an area, you may or may not be able to easily identify contact points where different rock types come together, but you will be able to see where soil color changes. Since soil is composed of the host rock, even a small change in soil color can be an excellent indicator of a contact zone.

    Some color changes can be very readily apparent, while others can be quite subtle. You arent looking for small areas with minor change here, you want to try and identify distinct lines of different soil types.

    These contact zones may be generally short, but sometimes they will run in a generally straight line for many miles. You may also have success finding new gold bearing areas by locating productive mines and then noting a color change that extends off from the mine. There may be valuable gold deposits in a nearby drainage that are an extension of the same contact zone that occurs at a well-known mine just over the hill.

    Remember to always study the different types of gold geology and you will soon learn that there are plenty of areas that have not yet been found.

    find gold nuggets with a metal detector also have high iron content.

    This is the reason that it is recommended that you use metal detectors specifically designed for detecting gold nuggets, since they are specifically designed to handle these highly mineralized, iron-rich environments.

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    Undiscovered Gold Is Finely Disseminated

    Gold, if present, may not be visible in the rock, and detection will depend on the results of laboratory analyses. Usually, samples of 3 to 5 pounds of representative mineralized rock will be sent to a commercial analytical laboratory or assay office for assay. Obviously, knowledge about the geological nature of gold deposits and particularly of the rocks and deposits in the area of interest will aid the prospector.

    More Gold

    Shale And Sedimentary Rocks

    Identification of rocks and minerals help (Page 1) / Metal ...

    In northwestern Iran, soil that contains carbonate and black shale formations has been found to be gold-bearing. Research published in the geology journal Mineralium Deposita explores gold mineral deposits in Zarshuran, Iran. This region contains fractured sedimentary rocks that also contain silica, pyrite, coloradoite and other rock formations. The gold is mainly found in trace amounts within arsenical pyrite and other rocks, and must be detected using electron microprobe technology.

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    What Types Of Rocks And Minerals Are Associated With Gold

    There are a number of different rocks and minerals that are found near gold or are part of gold deposits. By starting your search for these rocks and minerals, you are essentially looking for a broader footprint of where the gold might be.

  • Magnesium Ferric: This is a type of mineral that can help you find the gold. They are usually dark colored and often will have black or red tinges on the sides. This type of mineral is usually a big clue that gold may be nearby because of its association with gold.
  • Chalcopyrite: Otherwise known as Fools Gold this is the stuff of old Western movies and other legends where the hearty gold miners were subsequently fooled into thinking that this rock was actually gold itself. However, Fools Gold is often found near actual gold deposits and serves as a sign that real gold is close at hand. You can often find this pyrite in creek beds while panning for gold. If you find it, take heart that while it is not real gold, you may actually find gold nearby.
  • Iron, Lead, Pyrite and Magnetite: These are heavier metals and minerals that are often associated with the location of gold deposits. This is because such metals, rocks and minerals are formed around gold veins which then break off and spread out away from the gold itself. Such heavy minerals and metals offer a clue that gold just may be around the corner.
  • The Super Pit Kalgoorlie

    The Super Pit in Kalgoorlie is Australias largest open-pit mine. It covers an expanse of more than three square miles which can even be seen from space. Before the area was excavated, there were several underground operations, and old abandoned mining tunnels are still being rediscovered to this day. The Super Pit recovers gold contributing to some 20 tonnes total from the Golden Mile. This area has been mined for over 100 years and was considered at its beginnings the richest and most valuable square mile in the world.

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    Best Rock Hunting Sites In Montana

    The western parts of Montana are generally the best for rockhounds to find specimens. Some of the best rock hunting sites include the Crystal Park, Calvert Hill Mine, Gallatin National Forest, Gem Mountain Sapphire Mine, Anaconda, Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine, Montana Blue Jewel Mine, Bald Mountain, Missouri River, Ruby River, and Emma Mines, among many others.

    Though there are plenty of great places to rockhound in Montana, we cant spoil all the fun and present all of them however, lets talk about some of the best and most popular!

    Financial Challenges Of Gold Prospecting

    THE GEOLOGY of GOLD – What Rocks and Minerals to look for | ask Jeff Williams

    One who contemplates prospecting for gold should realize that a successful venture does not necessarily mean large profits even if the discovery is developed into a producing mine. Although the price of gold has increased significantly since 1967 when the fixed price of $35 an ounce was terminated, the increases in the cost of virtually every supply and service item needed in prospecting and mining ventures have kept profit margins at moderate levels, particularly for the small mine operator. In general, wide fluctuations in the price of gold are not uncommon, whereas inflationary pressures are more persistent. The producer of gold, therefore, faces uncertain economic problems and should be aware of their effects on his operation.

    Convergent boundary map: A present-day convergent boundary is located along the Pacific Northwest portion of the United States and extends north along the coast of Canada. Volcanic activity there will produce the gold deposits of the future. Gold deposits being mined today were produced by ancient activity on current plate boundaries or ancient activity on boundaries that are no longer active. USGS image.

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    Homestake Mine South Dakota

    Before the Homestake Mine ceased operations in 2002, it was the largest and deepest gold mine in North America. This historic gold mine produced close to 44 million ounces of the precious metal. The Homestake Mine is also famous because of scientific experiments that took place there in the mid-60s, in a deep underground laboratory. The Homestake experiment was conducted by Raymond Davis Jr., who was the first to observe solar neutrinos. This earned him a Nobel Prize for his pioneering contribution to astrophysics.

    The South Dakota gold deposit was discovered in 1876, during the Black Hills Gold Rush. The gold ore mined here was actually only considered low grade, but the body of material was so large that mining operations were highly successful. As well as gold, 9 million troy ounces of silver were produced. The Homestake mine was the longest continually operating mine in United States History and made huge contributions to both the economy and scientific research.

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