Sunday, September 1, 2024

What To Look For When Buying Gold

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You Can Buy Gold But Should You

What to look for in a bullion company/ buying gold and silver

Despite its age-old allure, gold isnt always the strong investment that movies and TV shows may have led you to believe.

I advise all of my clients to stay away from investing in gold, says Smith. Gold is a speculative investment and has a very poor long-term performance record. For individuals that still move forward on purchasing gold, buying gold in the form of a tradable security is a much easier and cheaper way of incorporating it into a portfolio.

I advise all of my clients to stay away from investing in gold. Gold is a speculative investment and has a very poor long-term performance record.

But while hes clear that he doesnt think investing in gold is a good idea, Smith does acknowledge the draw the physical metal can have. Theres something comforting about being able to touch what you own. You dont get that if you own a part of Johnson & Johnson.

Greg Young, a CFP and founder of Ahead Full Wealth Management in North Kingstown, Rhode Island, agrees. People like gold because its so easy to understand, he says. But anytime someone insists on a specific asset, there is an underlying emotional rationale.

About the author:Alana Benson is one of NerdWallet’s investing writers. She is the author of “Data Personified,””WTF: Where’s the Fraud?” and several young adult titles. She has spoken at multiple fraud conferences, most notably for the FTC.Read more

Dont Use Credit Buy With Savings

Anyone who wants to buy gold must save first before they invest. That is the backbone of a healthy economy. The current system relies on debt, credit, and consumption the exact opposite of a healthy economy. Dont use the bad habits that have created this system to purchase the antidote to the system.

If you buy gold, use your savings, put it on the side, and make sure that it is fully yours. Dont take out credit or speculate to buy gold. You never know what the market is doing and you may have to pay back your credit before the price of gold rises. Use your savings. You have to give up certain wishes today so that you are able to profit from your investments in the future.

Thats how an honest system works.

Consider Personalizing Your Wedding Rings

“One current trend in wedding bands is some element of personalization with many couples opting to write a sweet message or engrave with their name, initials or wedding date,” Kristen Lawler-Trustey, PR Manager of De Beers Forevermark. “If you want some sort of engraving on the inside of your band, make sure you choose one that is wide enough to accommodate your message.” If traditional engravings aren’t your thing, there are other options.

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Only Physical Gold And Silver

Anyone investigating gold and silver needs to understand that its basic function is as money. Gold was used as money for 5000 years. It was only in 1971 when Nixon went off the gold standard that the whole world began to transition into the fiat system using paper money that is not backed by gold. Before that, all paper money was backed up by gold.

Now that the worlds currencies are not backed by government-held gold, the paper market for gold has grown immensely as people seek to buy money that is backed by a physical commodity. This is especially easy to see if you look at the commodity exchange market COMEX where they sometimes have over 500 paper claims for every ounce of physical gold regularly available at the COMEX.

The leverage in the system is huge because so many people believe that they own gold on paper. However, if they want to claim that money, they will quickly find out that there is not enough physical gold available. Thats why, when youre buying gold as an insurance against the crash of the monetary system, make sure that you have it physically.

Dont buy it on paper.

Buy it physically because there are even certain paper products that do not guarantee that you actually own gold. If you purchase the biggest products from Wall Street, such as an exchange-traded fund or a GLD or even an SLD, you can actually go through the details in their terms and conditions and see that they dont even tell you if they actually have the physical gold.

You’ll Need A Place To Store It

Look For This Level To Buy Gold, Says Expert

Where will you keep your gold? Some might prefer using safes in their homes, renting safety deposit boxes at banks, or using precious metals storage services offered by banks as well as companies outside the banking system. How quickly you wish to access your goldwould you want to be able grab it right away during an emergency?may determine how you decide to store it.

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How Do I Store My Gold

The benefitof owning physical gold is that you have it to hand if you are genuinely concerned about complete financial or societal breakdown. We’ve always described gold as insurance, and if you think things could get to the point where all financial assets are essentially worthless, then having access to gold coins would be useful.

The key problem with taking physical delivery is that you have to look after it. You will need to store it securely. A safe is the most obvious option, or outside the home ina bank safe deposit box. If you do store the gold at home, and you want it to be covered by your home insurance, you will of course need to tell your insurer. Depending on how much gold you have, this could potentially bump up your premium.

Investing In Gold Coins In Other Ways

You can even buy coins with your Individual Retirement Arrangement . You wont be able to take these coins home.

Your IRA administrator will keep them in a vault for you. Coins must meet standards of purity to qualify as IRA investments.

You can always invest in gold without actually bringing home any gold coins.

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One Ounce American Gold Buffalo

Purity .9999

Backed by: United States government

Special Note: The newest sovereign coin, first manufactured in 2006 greater purity than the Eagle.

If you want to own pure gold, coins are a good place to start. Youll have beautiful coins, backed by a sovereign government, which can easily be sold when the need arises.

I recommend buying one-ounce denominations, because the premiums are higher on fractional coins. But if you cant afford a full ounce, some gold is certainly better than no gold.

This isnt to say that you should never buy other coins. The point is that every investor should have a meaningful stack of these before buying anything else. These gold coins are your gold safety net, you and your familys monetary insurance hedge that can easily be sold if the need arises.

Now that we know what to buy, lets find out where to shop

Etfs That Own Mining Stocks

Gold Chain buying GOLDEN RULE!

Dont want to dig much into individual gold companies? Then buying an ETF could make a lot of sense. Gold miner ETFs will give you exposure to the biggest gold miners in the market. Since these funds are diversified across the sector, you wont be hurt much from the underperformance of any single miner.

The larger funds in this sector include VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF , VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF and iShares MSCI Global Gold Miners ETF . The expense ratios on those funds are 0.51 percent, 0.52 percent and 0.39 percent, respectively, as of July 2021. These funds offer the advantages of owning individual miners with the safety of diversification.

Risks: While the diversified ETF protects you against any one company doing poorly, it wont protect you against something that affects the whole industry, such as sustained low gold prices. And be careful when youre selecting your fund: not all funds are created equal. Some funds have established miners, while others have junior miners, which are more risky.

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Your Choices Include Gold Coins And Bars

Gold coins weigh about an ounce or less. Those popular among collectors and investors include the American Eagle made by the U.S. Mint, the Canadian Gold Maple Leaf and the Krugerrand. Not interested in coins? Gold bars weighing in at one kilogram or less are often marketed to the average investor, but bars as large as 100 ounces are also available, according to the gold industry group, the World Gold Council.

Institutional buyers such as financial institutions, central banks and exchange-traded funds are in the business of buying even larger bars. The standard for over-the-counter gold bar trades is the London Good Delivery bar, which ranges in size from 350 fine troy ounces to 430 troy ounces , according to the London Bullion Market Association. At current prices, a single such bar would cost roughly $478,000.

Though individual investors may also be eligible to purchase London Good Delivery bars , they might have trouble complying with the strict regulations in place regarding the bars, which must be kept in LGD-accredited vaults or transferred through a chain of custody that meets LGD standards.

Know The Purity Levels Of Your Gold

If youve ever heard the song 24-Karat Magic by Bruno Mars and wondered what on earth he meant by singing about 24 karat magic in the air, its because 24-karat gold is 100% pure. Still doesnt make sense? Ok, moving on.

In every gold alloy, there are 24 units that we refer to as karats. When you buy gold that has 24 karats that means you have 100% pure, unadulterated gold which then equals to pure, unadulterated money in your pocket.

So, the general rule is: The value is of gold is proportionate to its purity – the purer the gold, the higher the value.


That doesnt mean that you will always have to aim for a higher purity level when you want to buy gold. Consider these two important exceptions:

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Why Should You Buy Gold

Buying gold is a way you can diversify the types of investments that you hold. By diversifying, you are protecting yourself against the possibility that all of your assets will lose value.

Gold in particular is thought of as a safe kind of asset. Since gold has had value in some form for millennia, people generally are confident that it will continue to have value. If you are less confident in, say, paper currency or the stock market, then you may be interested in the safety of gold. Another plus with gold is you can expect little to no effect from inflation. Because the process of finding and extracting gold is long, its almost impossible for the supply to fluctuate in the short term.

An important thing to remember about gold is that it wont earn you any kind of lucrative return or interest. The price of gold moves up and down like any asset, but you shouldnt invest in gold with idea that your money will be earning lots more value. Gold should be one portion of your portfolio, not the whole thing.

Question : What Type Of Gold Should You Buy

Which Gold Investment Funds Should You Look at in 2016 ...

Bullion coins and ingots are a relatively safe way to buy gold, though some investors prefer to invest in gold funds, such as mutual funds or exchange-traded funds . One benefit of investing in stocks over physical gold is that it’s easier to sell. When you have physical gold, you need to find a physical buyer, which can be difficult and time-consuming, especially when the market starts to go south. In contrast, selling stocks is as easy as a few keystrokes.

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Will The Chain Tangle In Your Hair

If youve ever had your chain get tangled up in your hair and had to pull them apart, it aint pretty. It hurts.

Usually small, thinner chains tangle easy and roll a lot, causing your hair to roll with them and knot up. Unless you want it pulling all the hair off the back of your head, I would stick with a medium thickness chain.

So now we are getting down to the nitty-gritty. There are just a couple more things to consider when making that gold chain purchase. Here we go

Buying Gold Only When Its Rises

Now is always the right time to buy gold there is never a wrong time. But the Law of Supply and Demand also applies with gold. When more people are buying gold coins, the price of gold can go up and the supply of gold coins in the market can go out. The more people there are who want to buy gold, the higher the demand would be.

But sometimes, the available supply in the market may not be available to meet the demand. Hence, it will affect the price. As demand for any product of commodity increases, whether its gold, silver, gas, grain, or foreign currency, prices increase and supply can run low.

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The Most Popular Gold Coins

The most popular sovereign gold coins in the world are the following six. Some are 22-karat and most are 24-karat, but they all contain a full ounce of gold. Youll see their content and purity are guaranteed by a government, and other than the Krugerrand, are all legal tender in the country of issue. Theyre also all eligible to put in your IRA

How To Buy Gold Shares

Buying Gold, No Excuses

If you feel that this might be a good investment for you, then the next thing you want to know is how to go about purchasing them.

You see, you can buy gold stock in three various ways. First is through buying stock in gold mining companies. Second is buying gold mutual funds. The third is buying gold exchange traded funds. Lets go over the different ways on how to buy gold stock.

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Gold As An Investment

Before buying gold, it’s important to understand some of the factors that make gold unique:

  • Newly-minted coins are typically 90% to 99% gold.
  • Jewelry is typically 14-karat in the United States or 18-karat internationally, but other karat values can be found, all the way up to pure 24-karat
  • Gold provides no income stream unless you own stocks or mutual funds that pay dividends.
  • Owning gold stocks does not entitle you to possession of the metal.
  • You may incur a cost to store physical gold.
  • While the current supply is limited, as the price rises it makes more mining economically feasible, which could increase the supply.
  • Demand is not a function of the true need for the metal, since much of it is not used for any commercial purpose other than the making of jewelry.
  • Gold holdings are heavily concentrated among a limited number of governments and central banks, exposing gold to extreme price fluctuations as these institutions buy and sell.

Mistakes People Make When Buying Physical Gold

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Table of Content

In the light of whats happening to the global economy, putting some of your money in gold is an intelligent investment move.

Gold is a stable commodity that performs well even during times of financial uncertainty, which makes it a safe asset to have on hand. When the stock prices are going down, golds price tends to go up. What were saying is: you can consider gold as a form of financial insurance.

Gold is also great protection versus inflation. You can look at it both as a store of value and a global currency, one that has proven its value for thousands of years. But nowadays, buying gold bullion is not always a secure and uncomplicated process.

But its always good to learn how you can better protect your gold purchase and your financial stability by straying away from these unfamiliar gold buying mistakes. The more information you have, the better reaction you can have when you encounter situations.

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Caveats To Buying Physical Gold

Know where your gold is coming from

Gold mining can leave a significant toll on the environment, to say nothing of social, human rights and governance issues, as many gold mines are located in conflict-affected or otherwise high-risk areas.

In 2019, the World Gold Council took steps to implement guidelines for member companies, as did the International Council on Mining and Metals. Both require that participating mining companies publish information on their progress publicly, making it easier for consumers to find.

If youre buying gold bullion rounds or bars, its best practice to look for pieces stamped with information about the maker, weight, and purity of the gold.

When purchasing gold jewelry, some retailers are taking additional transparency measures similar to those implemented against so-called blood diamonds from conflict areas. Theyre often sold under the tags ethical or sustainable.

Understand the fees involved with physical gold

Buying physical gold entails a number of different costs that you wont find when investing in financial instruments. These include the storage fees in a bank deposit box or precious metals depository, insurance costs, transportation and delivery costs, transaction fees whose percentage is based on the value of the trade, and even fabrication fees. Gold dealers may also impose buy-back fees on any transaction. Small purchases may also involve processing fees and small lot fees.

Confirm the purity of your precious metals

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